(310) 604-0892
Hours: M-F 7:00am-3:30pm


Journey Worker Computer Aided Drafting (JCAD) is a structured, two-year program for journey workers to pursue training in software to create, design and visualize efficient piping systems.

JCAD classes offer a blend of hybrid learning of both in-person and online training. This hybrid approach prepares students for the predominantly remote nature of their future roles but ensures students receive live instruction through in-person sessions.

The JCAD program plays a vital role in meeting the increasing demand for CAD operators within the piping industry by providing experienced journey-level plumbers and pipefitters.

  • Requires an endorsement from Local Union and/or Signatory Contractor.
  • Requires successful completion of an entrance assessment.
  • Requires submission of technology/equipment agreement as each student receives a laptop equipped with the latest CAD software.

Limited space available: enrollment subject to available space and technology. Click the button below to download the Journey Worker Computer Aided Drafting Endorsement Form:


Click thumbnails below to enlarge or download.